At Cool Aunt Cleaners, we believe there are endless benefits to having a clean and tidy space. We also understand that maintaining it all on your own can be stressful, time consuming and overwhelming to say the least. It’s cool to be clean but it’s even cooler to ask for help when you need it. That’s why our mission here at CAC is to uplift, motivate and inspire our community by offering our cleaning services. At the end of our arms are two helping hands that want to help you get your life back by taking domestic chores off your list.

about the owner

Hi ◡̈

My name is Anna! I’m a Portland transplant that moved here from Kansas. Before moving to Portland I ran a plant shop in Wichita called The Little Shop. I opened TLS right before the pandemic but decided to close it in May of 2022 because I was in need of a change of scenery.

Having been in Kansas my entire life I knew it was time for a change so I packed up my things and drove out to my new home in Portland with my 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog, North! Shortly after moving here I was offered a job as a flight attendant but turned down the job because I fell in love with Portland and I just wasn’t ready to leave.

So I’ve decided to plant some roots here and launch my very own cleaning company. I’m super excited to be here and can’t wait to meet you all. I hope when you are in need of a cleaning service you think of me and reach out!